Nowheretrain is a personal project of Snails , the webmaster. Unfortunately, this site is still under construction. Although this page is near its completion, Snails has yet to work on the other pages (in case you were wondering why the links aren't working!)

Some filler text to test the scroll on this div ... Did you know that it's actually REALLY easy to hack a 3DS? Ironically, I never tried it myself though. I'm kind of a chicken when it comes to modifying my tech, I mean, what if I do something wrong and I accidentally end up getting my device bricked? That'd be awful. Oh by the way, I don't have a 3DS. I have a 2DS. I wasn't able to afford a 3DS at the time so I got the other thing. I don't really care for the difference, as long as I can play games, i'm happy. Though, sometimes I wish I can fold it like a 3DS so I can carry it around easier...
